
Case Study on Social, Emotional, and Academic Development

We’re thrilled to announce that Center for the Collaborative Classroom is featured in the first case study, “Putting it All Together”  from the Aspen Institute’s National Commission on Social, Emotional, and Academic Development, which is being released today, August 24.

“Curriculum that addresses the social and emotional dimensions of learning helps all students thrive academically and prepare for challenges beyond school.” -“Putting it All Together,” The Aspen Institute

The case study is the first in a series that will delve into various components of social, emotional, and academic development (SEAD), vividly illustrating how districts, schools, and educators are going about this work. The Commission’s hope is that the series will help stakeholders better understand what it means to fully integrate SEAD in K-12 education as well as inspire educators to implement these approaches and practices in their own schools and classrooms.

“Perhaps most important is the need to make integrated curriculum a systemic priority for all schools, not just the relatively few deemed to be model efforts. At the local level, schools and districts need to incorporate their commitment to social and academic skills development into their vision and mission statements, and the capacity of district and school leaders to lead and manage such approaches must be supported.” -“Putting it All Together,” The Aspen Institute

The mission and curricula of Center for the Collaborative Classroom are featured on page 7.  CCC’s partnership with Seattle Public School District is highlighted.

Lyon Terry, a fourth-grade teacher at Lawton Elementary School in the Seattle Public School District, a member of the Commission’s Council of Distinguished Educators, and Washington State Teacher of the Year for 2015, talks about how Collaborative Literacy prompted him to make small changes in his teaching that really matter.

“I now know to ask, ‘What questions do you have?’ instead of ‘Does anyone have any questions?’ The first recognizes that questions are a necessary part of learning. The second can close down inquiry and conversation.” -“Putting it All Together,” The Aspen Institute

It is an honor to be included in this important study. You can read the the first case study in its entirety here.