
Caring School Community Webinar Series

In this four-part webinar series, we introduce and explore the newly updated and revised Caring School Community program for grades K–8.

SESSION 1: Introducing Caring School Community, Second Edition

This professional-learning webinar provides an overview of the new second edition of the Caring School Community program, an evidence-based social and emotional learning curriculum for elementary and middle schools. Participants will learn how the program supports building students’ sense of community, while fostering their social and emotional development. We will also discuss Caring School Community’s innovative approach to discipline: an approach that supports the development of self-discipline in students.

SESSION 2: Beginning the Year with Caring School Community

In this webinar, we explore how to start the school year with the Caring School Community program. Participants will take away practical strategies for building community and teaching social skills in the first few weeks of school. We’ll also discuss how school leaders can approach community-building with faculty and staff and support SEL implementation.

SESSION 3: Mid-Fall Check-in: How Do We Maintain and Sustain a Caring School Community?

In this webinar, we examine how classrooms, schools, and districts work to sustain a caring school community. After the start of the school year, it can be easy to lose focus on our students’ (and adults’) sense of community in school. We will discuss how to maintain focus on SEL and community-building amid the pressures and competing demands that schools face.

SESSION 4: Caring School Discipline: Supporting the Development of Self-Discipline

In this final session, we take a deep dive into the Caring School Discipline component of the Caring School Community program. Together, we will explore an innovative approach to discipline that supports students’ development of self-discipline. We will reflect on strategies teachers can use to help students repair any damage they have caused, while learning what they might do differently in the future, instead of using rewards-based, punitive discipline practices.