A Powerful Teaching Support System

Learning Portal

Home for All Collaborative Classroom Digital Resources

The Learning Portal is your home for all Collaborative Classroom digital resources: teacher’s manuals; essential lesson resources including reproducibles, projectables, and videos; assessments; apps; student materials; and more.

Via the Learning Portal you also have access to professional learning guidance, video tutorials, correlations, and the very latest communications, updates, and instructional pacing notifications.

Our goal is to support your strong implementation, and the Learning Portal is a crucial component of your program materials.

Simplifying Assessments and Reporting with ClassView Pro

The ClassView Pro assessment app simplifies collecting, synthesizing, and sharing student assessment data, portfolios, and reporting.

Teachers can:

  • Digitally record Placement Assessments and Mastery Tests for Being a Reader Small-Group Reading and SIPPS
  • Examine group Mastery Test results for Being a Reader Small-Group Reading and SIPPS 
  • Explore assessment results for the Being a Reader, Being a Writer, and SIPPS programs 
  • Track data to monitor student progress 
  • Export assessment results to share or review offline

The tool is available for use on desktop, laptop, and mobile devices and connects with other Learning Portal digital products, such as the Card Deck Application and Organization Administrator.

Optional Tech Advanced Plan for the Learning Portal

In addition to the management features provided to all users of the Learning Portal, Collaborative Classroom also offers a Tech Advanced Plan with the following expanded tools and features:

  • Admin reporting includes district and school roll-up and drill-down (placement levels and mastery test
    results) as well as quick search capabilities of student assessment history across all schools.
  • Single sign-on (SSO) simplifies teacher access, streamlines login and password management, and links teachers to district or third-party portals and other learning management systems.
  • Automatic roster management synchronizes school rosters via Collaborative Classroom–managed CSV upload.

Try It Out

Experience a 60-Day Free Trial of the Learning Portal